OPI 2.0 is an educational opportunity for professionals who previously attended OPI within the last 3-5 years or have worked in Orientation for at least 3 years and are seeking continued learning, conversations, and connections.

Building off of the foundations of OPI, OPI 2.0 is a combination of facilitated conversations and small group clusters offered as a pre-conference experience at the NODA Annual Conference.

OPI 2.0 is designed to serve full-time professional staff who want to gain new professional development related to orientation. In this half-day session, participants will have the opportunity to engage in solution-focused dialogue around a variety of topics.

Learning Outcomes and Curriculum

The curriculum for the Orientation Professionals Institute 2.0 is centered on lived experiences of practitioners within the field of orientation, transition, and retention. In this half-day session, participants will have the opportunity to engage in solution-focused dialogue around a variety of topics identified in the pre-event survey.

Learning Outcomes

  • Participants will engage with colleagues in similar stages of their career to learn from one another and further extend their NODA network.
  • Participants will be able to identify current trends and issues and be able identify best practices and resources to effectively manage and lead on their own campuses.
  • Participants will reflect on their own identities and experiences as they relate to the work they do on their own campuses.
  • Participants will be able to identify ways to continue to engage with colleagues and the Association.

OPI 2.0 Leadership

Alison Leach Hughes
OPI 2.0 Lead Facilitator
University of South Carolina