Financial Management

There are many funding sources for OTR programs, services, and staffing. It is the responsibility of OTR practitioners to be ethical stewards of funding and finances. Competencies in financial management require an understanding of budgeting, priority management, fiscal responsibility and ethical judgment.


  • Describe foundational budgeting models in regard to institution-specific policies
    and practices
  • Recognize the impact that funding and budgeting models have on program
  • Understand one’s own institutional OTR funding model and institutional financial
  • Implement foundational budgeting principles and ethical practices
  • Identify support resources to help navigate institutional and state/province
    policies and procedures for contracts and procurement processes
  • Understand student staffing compensation practices
  • Manage procurement process and contracts for OTR programs and services
  • Manage purchasing and outsourcing procedures and implementation
  • Develop, allocate, and monitor specific program budgets including staff
  • Understand and utilize appropriate institution/state/province guidelines for
    fundraising and funding
  • Guide others in the appropriate use of institutional and programmatic funds for
    OTR programmatic impacts
  • Connect financial priorities with institutional directives, missions, and strategic
    plans, including reallocation or diminishment of funds
  • Oversee the documentation and accountability related to the use of resources,
    including personnel, programmatic, office management and collaborations
  • Negotiate fundraising and sponsorship opportunities to support OTR programs
    and services
  • Project budget needs based on enrollment trends
  • Navigate external factors which can affect OTR funding models, including
    mandates, state/province funding changes, and governing boards


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