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  4. Program Delivery and Management

Program Delivery and Management

OTR practitioners must be intentional in event management and delivery to implement effective programming designed to facilitate new student transition. OTR professionals must also support and direct others in program logistics, delivery, and management.


  • Facilitate multiple types of programs including multi-media and face-to-face
  • Develop agendas and schedules for programs, events, and activities
  • Identify staff and peer staff needs to implement programs and services
  • Employ a variety of teaching and training methods in staff preparation and
    program implementation
  • Coordinate foundational contracts for essential logistics including food, venues,
    transportation, setup, technology, and speakers
  • Identify and adhere to the NODA Statement of Sustainability
  • Evaluate and guide the skills of others in presentation, facilitation, and teaching
  • Provide critical and constructive feedback to staff, peer leader staff and campus
    partners/presenters to achieve programmatic outcomes
  • Articulate current societal trends and innovative methods of program delivery
  • Demonstrate awareness of current trends or topics that influence programmatic
  • Gain familiarity with the styles and programs offered by other campus
    departments and like-institutions
  • Utilize Universal Design in program implementation and delivery
  • Manage multiple and simultaneous logistical components of program
  • Create environments that promote peer-to-peer leader engagement
  • Analyze data and trends to better inform decision making regarding short- and
    long-term effectiveness of delivery methods and strategies
  • Align programs with available technologies and overall strategic plan and with
    developmental progress of students
  • Provide vision for overall program quality and performance standards as well as
    the adherence to university expectations for program delivery
  • Utilize campus collaborations and assessment to address concerns and relevance
    to program implementation


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