It is an honor and a privilege to be a NODA leader. You are the ambassador of a select membership and as such, will adhere to standards and commitments set forth by the Association.

Failure to take the honor and responsibility seriously can damage the Association and hold personal and professional consequences.

Leadership involves representing stakeholders and requires time. Time commitments were clarified prior to your applying for the position. Remember that by accepting a position you agree to make this time commitment to serve the Association membership.

Following these standards and commitments is a matter of leadership obligation. If you are unable to uphold these standards and commitments, Association leadership will determine if the position is a good fit for you. As a NODA leader it is imperative to know and practice the following:

You are a representative of NODA and membership looks to you as a professional leader. You should demonstrate good faith, prudent judgment, honesty, transparency and openness in our activities on behalf of the organization.

  • Speak and represent NODA positively at all times. This includes, but is not limited to, meetings, events, conferences and social settings.
  • Always support the Association office and protect the interests of the organization.
  • If you encounter members that seem confused about NODA or unclear about the Association, you should speak up, identify yourself as a NODA leader and clarify the confusion.

As a leader you should understand that accountable leaders take responsibility. This means moving beyond individual actions and decisions and assuming ownership for the performance of your group. Accountable and responsible leaders exhibit and promote strong ethical values and demonstrate uncompromising integrity.

  • Adhere to honesty, fairness and “doing the right thing” without compromise, even when circumstances make it difficult.
  • Commit ourselves to ethical, businesslike, and lawful conduct, including proper use of authority and appropriate decorum. Set aside personal agendas when speaking and voting
  • Assist each other personally and professionally by holding each other accountable.
  • Adhere to confidentiality. Discussing certain business, such as board meeting discussions, outside of meetings is not best practice. Nor is expressing a negative comment or attitude about other leaders during or outside of meetings.
  • Be aware of your conduct and communication. Always be professional with your behavior, written and verbal communication to any NODA member, potential member or staff member.
  • Understand and abide by the following NODA documents: NODA Ethical Standards and NODA Conflict of Interest.

As an Association, we strive for inclusive excellence at all levels. As a leader you have a responsibility to actively engage in a respectful and inclusive manner that reinforces the core values of NODA. This means that you should model behavior that “builds, fosters, and shares an environment that promotes the connection of people and ideas” and is not disruptive to the mission and activities of the Association.

  • Represent the membership of the Association.
  • Be respectful of others opinions and comments while conducting NODA business.
  • Actively seek input from various constituents in advance of making decisions.
  • Respect and give fair consideration to diverse and opposing viewpoints.
  • Following meeting protocols
  • Understand and abide by the following NODA document: NODA Statement of Non Discrimination

As a leader, you should be fully engaged in your role within NODA. This mean that your approach to participation will should be intentional, thoughtful, and collaborative.

  • Leaders must be prepared to engage in all NODA activities and serve as active participants throughout their position. Utilize knowledge-based governance as your approach to meetings.
  • When asking questions and sharing opinions be mindful and respectful of people and time.
  • Refrain from making judgmental statements, criticizing those who are absent, monopolizing the conversation, and conducting side conversations.

If you find yourself overwhelmed or unable to fulfill your leadership role, have a conversation with the appropriate leadership or a NODA staff member as soon as possible. Explain your situation and discuss the options.

Leadership performance impacts general membership and NODA staff members and may have financial implications. Failure to follow leadership standards and commitments, inability fulfill duties of the position, and/or inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated and may result in removal of position. If removal of position is necessary, the appropriate leadership or a NODA staff member will communicate with the individual.